Thursday, March 13, 2025

Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Colon Cleansing

Colon Cleansing

Colon cleansers help to eliminate the build-up of fecal material, mucus, and metabolic waste from our system. It also helps promote bowel regularity.

Of all the places you’ve read about, where is the most toxic place on earth. The answer may surprise’s in your colon. The cumulative effect of eating on-the-run and consuming a typical “Western Diet” of greasy pizza, slabs of red meats, fried chicken, sugary desserts and over-processed packaged foods will ultimately slow down the digestive process and cause your body not to be able to eliminate waste.

And if waste is permitted to sit too long in the colon, toxins and parasites will build up and may eventually be reabsorbed back into the body.


Parasites are organisms which live off of their hosts. Human parasites are of two types:

1. Tiny protozoa and amoebae which can only be seen under a microscope. These spread by air, water, food, insects, animals, and human contact. Parasites are very infectious. They are so small and light, they float in the air and can be inhaled. Once they have established home in your body, they will eat the same foods you eat. In the event of food scarcity or perhaps even parasitic gluttony—they will start eating you!
These parasites are more of a risk to our health as they can travel from the intestines to the bloodstream, muscles, and to the vital organs. Parasites harm human beings because they consume our food and nutrients, they can destroy our tissues and cells, and they produce toxic waste products that can make people very ill.

2. The other type of parasites is of a bigger variety. Parasitic worms and flukes. It comes through the food we eat which may be contaminated. These come in much variety – roundworms, pinworms, trichina spiralis, tapeworms are some of the more common ones. Once inside the body, their eggs usually lodge in the intestine, hatch, grow and multiply. They can sometimes infest other body sites.

More Toxic Build-Up

But wait there’s more. Besides parasites of all shapes and sizes, we expose ourselves to thousands of environmental toxins and chemicals every day. Dumping of industrial chemicals has infected the air we breathe, our food and water supply. Toxic build up also occurs through consuming too much processed foods, eating more sugar, and the use of pharmaceutical drugs such as stimulants and sedatives.

The combination of environmental toxins, an unhealthy diet and parasites poses all kinds of danger to human health. Eliminating these toxins and chemicals from our body also poses a problem. Scientific research affirms that our bodies are not capable of doing this and as a result they accumulate in our cells (especially fat cells), tissues, blood, organs (such as the colon, liver and brain). They remain there for an indefinite length of time causing all kinds of health problems.

What are the symptoms?

The word parasite comes from Greek meaning 'one who eats off the table of another.' They can be transmitted to us by contact, in water and from the air we breathe. Humans can play host to over 100 kinds of parasites and they can eventually infect virtually every part of our body. Here are just a few classic symptoms of parasitic infestation:

* Fatigue
* Gas and bloating
* Headaches
* Indigestion
* Weight gain
* Food allergies
* Protruding belly
* Irritable bowel syndrome
* Lack of sleep
* Irritation and Restlessness
* Constipation
* Bad breath and foul-smelling stools
* Low immune system
* Skin and hair problems
* Stomach pain
* Metallic taste in mouth
* Candida infection

If waste matter is removed regularly from our system, parasite breeding would less likely happen. We create perfect living conditions for parasite breeding when our bowels do not eliminate waste regularly. Undigested food and toxins add to the build-up of fecal material on the walls of the digestive tract.

Why Use a Colon Cleanser

Colon cleansers help to eliminate the build-up of fecal material, mucus, and metabolic waste from our system. It also helps promote bowel regularity. Herbal cleansers work gently on your digestive system. These are non-addictive and help the body to regulate natural bowel performance.

A clean colon inhibits harmful bacteria and parasites from surviving on human waste.

Benefits of Waste Removal

When your digestive system is clear of impurities your body is able to absorb nutrients better. There is less toxic build-up in the body. Your skin and eyes will look clearer, digestion will improve, and you will have more energy. Studies have shown that when your bowels are working regularly to eliminate waste from your body it can be an important part of a total health care program.


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