Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Bladder Cancer (Cont.)

Bladder Cancer (Cont.)

Treatment of Bladder Cancer
Treatment options will vary based on:

* The type of bladder cancer (see Bladder Cancer Types).

* The stage of bladder cancer (see Bladder Cancer Staging).

* The tumor grade. (The grade tells how closely the cancer cells resemble normal cells and suggests how fast the cancer is likely to grow. Low-grade cancers are likely to grow and spread more slowly than high-grade cancers.)

* The patient's age and general health.

In general, treatment can include:

* Surgery (see Bladder Cancer Surgery)
* Radiation therapy (see Radiation Treatment for Bladder Cancer)
* Chemotherapy (see Bladder Cancer Chemotherapy)
* Biological therapy (see Biological Treatment for Bladder Cancer).

Doctors can describe treatment choices and the expected results of each treatment with their patients. Patients should work with their doctors to develop a treatment plan that meets their medical needs and personal values. Choosing the most appropriate treatment is a decision that ideally involves the patient, the family, and the healthcare team.


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