Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Melanjutkan Hidup Pasca Stroke

Rizaldy Pinzon, dr, MKes, SpS


Stroke adalah penyebab kematian dan kecacatan yang utama di seluruh dunia. Stroke memberikan dampak yang sangat bsar bagi para penderitanya. Dampak stroke juga akan berimbas pada keluarga penyandang stroke. Beban ekonomi yang ditimbulkan oleh stroke juga sedemikian besarnya. Stroke adalah kedaruratan medik, dan pada umumnya penderita stroke akan dirawat di RS.

Setelah menjalani perawatan di RS, ada 3 kemungkinan yang dialami oleh pasien stroke, yaitu : (1) meninggal dunia, (2) sembuh tanpa cacat, dan (3) sembuh dengan kecacatan. Penelitian menunjukkan angka kematian pada stroke berkisar antara 10%-30%. Sebagian kematian dialami dalam waktu 72 jam setelah serangan stroke, dan pada umumnya berhubungan langsung dengan strokenya (stroke yang besar atau lokasi stroke di batang otak).

Kematian yang dialami setelah 72 jam serangan stroke pada umumnya akibat komplikasi stroke ( misalnya: radang paru-paru). Stroke merupakan penyebab kematian nomor tiga, setelah penyakit jantung dan kanker. Stroke merupakan penyebab kecacatan nomor satu bagi para penyandangnya. Angka kematian akibat stroke di seluruh dunia masihlah tinggi. Kematian paling tinggi dijumpai pada 1 bulan pasca serangan stroke. Kematian akibat stroke ditemukan pada 10%-30% pasien yang dirawat. Masa kritis umumnya dijumpai pada minggu-minggu pertama pasca serangan stroke. Chen, dkk (2006) menyimpulkan bahwa 68,3% kematian terjadi pada 5 hari pertama perawatan di RS. Bila ada 10%-30% kematian akibat stroke, maka ada 70%-90% penderita yang hidup pasca stroke. Mereka ini disebut dengan stroke survivors? Bagaimana kelanjutan hidup para stroke survivors? Apa yang harus mereka lakukan?

Kecacatan akibat stroke

Bagaimana dengan kecacatan pasca stroke ? Bagaimana kecacatan pasca stroke diukur ? Kecacatan pasca stroke pada umumnya dinilai dengan kemampuan pasien untuk melanjutkan fungsinya kembali seperti sebelum sakit, dan kemampuan pasien untuk mandiri. Salah satu skala ukur yang sering dipakai untuk pasien menggambarkan kecacatan akibat stroke adalah skala Rankin.

Penelitian di Argentina menunjukkan bahwa kurang ebih sepertiga pasien stroke pulih sempurna/ hampir sempurna dalam waktu 6 bulan pasca serangn stroke. Kecacatan ringan dialami pada 12,2%, kecacatan sedang pada 25,7%, dan kecacatan berat 26,3%. Pasien dengan tingkat kecacatan yang berat tidaklah dapat mandiri. Sebagian besar aktivitas kehidupannya memerlukan bantuan, bahkan sampai aktivitas kehidupan yang paling dasar sekalipu (makan, berkemih, dan mandi) (Melcon, 2006). Penelitian lain di Amerika Serikat memperlihatkan bahwa lebih dari separuh (55%) pasien stroke sumbatan dapat mandiri dalam waktu 3 bulan pasca serangan. Ada 18% pasien yang mengalami kecacatan berat, dan memerlukan bantuan dalam banyak aspek kehidupannya. Faktor yang berperan adalah keparahan stroke pada saat awal. Stroke yang menunjukkan derajat kparahan yang tinggi saat serangan lebih sering dihubungkan dengan kecacatan pasca stroke. Keparahan derajat stoke tentu pula berhubungan dengan kecepatan mendapat pertolongan medis yang adekuat (Johnston dan Wagner, 2006). Segera kenali gejala stroke, segera minta pertolongan medis untuk mencegah kecacatan stroke.

Dampak stroke

Bagi para stroke survivor, masalah belumlah selesai. Stroke dapat memberikan gejala sisa atau dampak lanjut. Bagi para stroke survivors, pencegahan serangan stroke ulang dan penanganan gejala sisa stroke merupakan hal yang utama. Berbagai dampak pasca stroke adalah depresi, kepikunan, gangguan gerak, nyeri, epilepsi, tulang keropos, dan gangguan menelan. Penanganan bersifat individual sesuai kondisi pasien. Salah satu gejala sisa yang sering dialami pasien stroke adalah kepikunan. Kepikunan (demensia) akibat stroke dapat terjadi dengan segera, atau bertahap sampai dengan 3 bulan pasca stroke. Kejadian demensia pasca stroke adalah berkisar antara 6%-32%. Usia yang tua, hipertensi, dan dislipidemia merupakan faktor yang berperan besar untuk munculnya pikun pasca stroke. Pikun lebih sering dijumpai pada stroke di otak besar (cerebrum) dibanding otak kecil (cerebelum) (Henon, 2006). Penelitian Rasquin, dkk (2005) pada 156 pasien stroke menunjukkan bahwa gangguan memori dijumpai pada 23,4% (hampir seperempat dari seluruh pasien stroke) dalam 1 bulan pasca stroke. Gangguan lain yang seringkali teramati adalah gangguan bicara (18,6%), gangguan berhitung (51,6%), dan depresi (49%).

Stroke tidak hanya memiliki dampak pada penyandangnya saja. Stroke berdampak pula pada keluarga penyandang. Ada rasa cemas, rasa sedih, ketakutan, dan bahkan putus asa. Seorang ayah dan suami yang dahulu beegitu gagah dan mandiri, tiba-tiba menjadi begitu tergantung dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Keluarga pasien stroke seringkali bertanya “kapan bapak/ ibu akan kembali seperti semula?”. Pada umumnya mereka akan mencoba banyak cara agar penyandang stroke dapat pulih kembali. Berbagai usaha medis dan non medis pun akan dicoba.

Stroke tidak hanya berdampak bagi penyandangnya, namun juga bagi keluarganya. Penelitian Smith, dkk (2004) pada 90 orang keluarga dekat penderita stroke menunjukkan bahwa 32,2% mengalami kecemasan terkait kondisi stroke penderita, 33,3% merasa kesehatannya menurun, dan 14,4% mengalami depresi ringan. Penelitian lain pada 64 kerabat pasien stroke memperlihatkan bahwa stroke berdampak pada gangguan fungsi sosial, fisik, dan mental bagi keluarga penyandang stroke (suami/ istri, anak, dan kerabat lain) (Scholle, dkk, 2006). Stroke secara langsung akan berdampak pada tersitanya waktu keluarga penyandang stroke. Penelitian van Excel, dkk (2005) pada 151 pasien stroke dan keluarganya menunjukkan bahwa seorang keluarga penderita stroke rata-rata menghabiskan waktu 3,4 jam sehari untuk bersama pasien stroke (mengantar ke dokter, mandi, dan berpakaian), dan 10,8 jam sehari untuk tugas mengawasi paien stroke (mengawasi saat jalan dan makan).


Pada akhirnya kita semua diingatkan untuk terus mewaspadai stroke sebagai pembunuh nomor tiga dan penyebab kecacatan nomor satu. Prof Vladimir Hachinski pada pembukaan World Stroke Congress (24-27 September 2008) di Vienna Austria mengingatkan pentingnya untuk melakukan intervensi yang lebih dini. Intervensi lebih dini dengan mengendalikan faktor risiko tentulah diharapkan untuk memberi hasil yang lebih baik. Hal ini pernah diungkapkan Ovidius Naso (seorang penyair Romawi) 2000 tahun yang lalu “Act before disease has gained strength

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010


Products - Health Food - GAMAT EXTRACT with Honey

The Gamat Extract with Honey is a proven natural health supplement that can help to enhance the body’s immunity system, assists in healing minor cuts and wounds, regulates blood circulation and enhances our general well being.

It can also be used as a tonic for both men and women. The Gamat Extract with Honey is one of the most outstanding natural health supplements today and is also used to complement healing cuts, minor wounds and other health promoting activities.



K-Nature's Care E. Breviscapus Capsules’ main ingredient is from the herb Erigeron Breviscapus. Erigeron Breviscapus is a traditional Chinese herb found only in the Yunnan province of China and used to expel cold, induce sweat, relieve pain, relax the muscles, and stimulates blood circulation and was used as an efficacious secret recipe to treat hemiplegic paralysis, apoplexy and angina by the Dai tribe, some 1,000 years ago.

Regular intake of Erigeron Breviscapus has been clinically proven to improve blood circulation and greatly assists in the prevention of stroke because it:

* Helps to increase blood flow to the brain by decreasing the viscosity of the blood
* Helps to increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier
* Helps to reduce the risk of hypertension and arteriosclerosis
* Helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases
* Helps to support and maintain a healthy cerebral-vascular and cardiovascular system.


The Organic K-BioGreen is an organic food that is specially made from 58 unique selected ingredients such as beans, grains, vegetables, seaweed and bifido-bacteria and food enzyme that play important roles in the human body to cleanse and detoxify, rejuvenate, restore the healthy functions of the vital organs and build immunity. When this product is ingested into the body, it provides a full range of necessary nutrients and is suitable for those who aim for healthy diet and body slimming.

It is a well-balanced nutritious food source with no additives and non-genetically modified, which is certified by AsureQuality Limited in New Zealand. Once the organic product has been confirmed with organic standard and verified, the product is given a label and can be taken as assurance that the elements in the organic product have met the requirements from the farm to the market.

Organic K-BioGreen also does not contain any artificial flavors, coloring, antibiotic residues, growth promoters or preservatives. On the use of manure, organic farming has set some strict guidelines. Manure carries human pathogens, but if properly treated (composted) it becomes a safe form of organic fertilizer. Certified organic farmers are not allowed to use untreated manure less than 60 days before the crop harvest and it is inspected to ensure the requirements and restrictions are met.

Some believes that organic food tastes better than conventional food. In general or for health reasons, food usually tastes better when it is fresh.
Some of the benefits of Organic K-BioGreen:

1. Strengthens immune system
2. Strengthens endocrine system
3. Cleanses digestive system
4. Helps to reduce cholesterol
5. Helps to prevent heart disease
6. Helps to prevent cancer cells
7. Detoxifies body cells and blood vessels
8. Activates body cells
9. Promotes metabolism
10. Regulates internal organs
11. Reduces stress
12. Improves memory
13. Strengthens physical and mental conditions
14. Act as antioxidants
15. Provides vitamins, minerals and complete nutrients
16. Moisturizes skin and helps to prevent skin allergy
17. Organic fasting and body slimming
18. Restores natural beauty

Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's Disease

What is Alzheimer's Disease?
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease characterized in the brain by abnormal clumps (amyloid plaques) and tangled bundles of fibers (neurofibrillary tangles) composed of misplaced proteins. Age is the most important risk factor for AD; the number of people with the disease doubles every 5 years beyond age 65. Three genes have been discovered that cause early onset (familial) AD. Other genetic mutations that cause excessive accumulation of amyloid protein are associated with age-related (sporadic) AD. Symptoms of AD include memory loss, language deterioration, impaired ability to mentally manipulate visual information, poor judgment, confusion, restlessness, and mood swings. Eventually AD destroys cognition, personality, and the ability to function. The early symptoms of AD, which include forgetfulness and loss of concentration, are often missed because they resemble natural signs of aging.

Is there any treatment?
There is no cure for AD and no way to slow the progression of the disease. For some people in the early or middle stages of AD, medication such as tacrine (Cognex) may alleviate some cognitive symptoms. Donepezil (Aricept), rivastigmine (Exelon), and galantamine (Reminyl) may keep some symptoms from becoming worse for a limited time. A fifth drug, memantine (Namenda), was recently approved for use in the United States. Combining memantine with other AD drugs may be more effective than any single therapy. One controlled clinical trial found that patients receiving donepezil plus memantine had better cognition and other functions than patients receiving donepezil alone. Also, other medications may help control behavioral symptoms such as sleeplessness, agitation, wandering, anxiety, and depression.

What is the prognosis?
AD is a progressive disease, but its course can vary from 5 to 20 years. The most common cause of death in AD patients is infection.

Additional Resources & Information:
2007 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures
Alzheimer's Disease - Unraveling The Mystery (PDF)
Understanding Alzheimer's (PDF)

Alzheimer's Diagnosis (Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation)
Alzheimer's Disease Info: Questions to Ask the Doctor( Administration on Aging)
ApoE (Apolipoprotein E) Genotyping (American Association for Clinical Chemistry)
Mild Cognitive Impairment (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research)
Understanding Alzheimer's Disease (Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation)
Understanding Stages and Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease (National Institute on Aging)

Understanding Alzheimer's Disease

Few things can rob a persons life as completely as Alzheimer's can. It steals a person’s memories, family, and dreams.

It is a progressive, irreversible disorder with no cure. There are dozens of theories about the causes of Alzheimer’s disease, but none satisfies the medical community. It attacks without warning, and works slowly. The only thing that everyone agrees on is that Alzheimer’s is a fatal form of dementia.

Symptoms include memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, disorientation, loss of language skills, and even a personality change.

At least 4.5 million Americans wil have Alzheimer’s disease and by 2050. Approximately, 350,000 new cases of Alzheimer's disease are diagnosed each year and 59,000 patients die. Estimates put the number of people who currently suffer with Alzheimer’s disease at 18 million people.

Alzheimer’s hits every nation where life expectancy has increased until it is considered a commonplace disease This figure is projected to nearly double by 2025 to 34 million people.

Alzheimer's Disease Research (ADR), a program of the American Health Assistance Foundation, funds research, and educate the public about Alzheimer's disease. ADR has awarded $46.8 million to support research in diverse fields from molecular biology to epidemiology.

AHAF played a role in Dr. Stanley Prusiner's Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1997 for his landmark research on prions. More than $1.2 million in research grants were awarded to Dr. Prusiner through the ADR program to develop his prion theory as a model for Alzheimer's disease.

The brain does change shape after Alzheimer’s hits as shown in this diagram: http://www.ahaf.org/alzdis/about/BrainAlzheimer.htm

Alzheimer's causes shrinkage of brain tissue. The grooves or furrows in the brain, called sulci (plural of sulcus), widen and the gyri (plural of gyrus) shrinks. The ventricles, or chambers in the brain that contain the cerebrospinal fluid, become enlarged.

Short-term memory begins to decline (see box labeled ‘memory') first when cells in the hippocampus start to degenerate. Followed by the ability to perform routine tasks.

Alzheimer's spreads through the cerebral cortex (the outer layer of the brain). Judgment declines, emotional outbursts may occur and language is impaired at this stage. Eventually, nerve cells die and resulting in more behavior changes, such as wandering aimlessly and agitation.

The victim cannot recognize faces or communicate in the final stages. Patients may lose bowel and bladder control.

The victim is complete dependent on care, sometimes for year, before they die. Diagnosis to death can span 4 to 20 years.

The Mayo Clinic lists some risk factors. Age is a risk factor as Alzheimer’s hits most patients after 65 years old, which also increases the incidents in women, because they live longer. However, there is also evidence that hormone treatments can reduce the risk factors.

The risk factors for cardio disease may also be risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease. Diabetes may also increase the risk of developing AD. The number of boxers who end up with AD leads some researchers to believe that head injuries can increase the risk of developing AD.

Education and mental activity appear to have a positive aspect. This is based on the fact that uneducated people are more likely to develop AD.

Alzheimer's Diagnosis (Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation)
Alzheimer's Disease Info: Questions to Ask the Doctor( Administration on Aging)
ApoE (Apolipoprotein E) Genotyping (American Association for Clinical Chemistry)
Mild Cognitive Impairment (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research)
Understanding Alzheimer's Disease (Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation)
Understanding Stages and Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease (National Institute on Aging)

The Stages Of Alzheimer's Explained

Alzheimer's is a progressive disease that can take up to a complete two decades to fully run its course. The disease moves forward at its own pace, leaving devastation in its path. With an estimated five million Americans diagnoses with this condition, there is little doubt the condition has impacted a tremendous number of people. How fast or slow the condition will progress is never known, but there are marked stages of Alzheimer's.

The stages of Alzheimer's number at seven, although they are often clumped into three - early, middle and end. Each one of the seven comes in its own time with no two patients following exactly the same path. There are some stereotypical markers for each of the stages of Alzheimer's, however.

The stages of Alzheimer's and their symptoms are:

Stage 1 - There are no visible symptoms during the earliest formation of Alzheimer's.

Stage 2 - This stage will present with very minor memory issues, but these problems are quite easily brushed off to distraction, normal forgetfulness or other similar causes. The signs here can include such things as misplacing items, forgetting words that should be familiar and so on. The symptoms will not likely be noticeable to anyone since they are so easy to brush off.

Stage 3 - It is at this point some people are diagnosed. The symptoms here can include such things as forgetting names, misplacing objects, loss of ability to plan, poor performance at work or in social settings and even an inability to retain information or remember names.

Stage 4 - Diagnosis is often made during this stage, but not always. Some characterize this stages as mild Alzheimer's. It is here that loss of personal history might begin along with an inability to handle challenging mental tasks.

Stage 5 - It is very difficult to deny that problems exist when this stage is reached. Also known as "moderate" Alzheimer's, this stage delivers large memory gaps, difficulty with normal social functioning and even the inability to recall names of family, friends and perhaps even the patient's own name. Date and time confusion might also be present.

Stage 6 - This is considered an extension of the mid stage, however, the symptoms will become quite harsh at this point. Some patients will have trouble dressing and feeding themselves. It is very likely they will be unable to recall names and they might be prone to wandering.

Stage 7 - This is the final of the stages of Alzheimer's. This one delivers some very serious blows for the patient, but more generally the family members involved. Symptoms in this stage include loss of ability to recognize speech, total inability to eat and toilet without help and even an inability sit without help, smile and more.

The stages of Alzheimer's progress at their own pace for each patient. The progression has been noted to take as much as 20 years, but has also been seen in as little as five. There is no way to tell in advance how slow or fast the stages will be progressed through. The only thing that is certain at this point is that no cure is known and treatments to slow the progression don't work for everyone and they do not work indefinitely.

Alzheimer's Diagnosis (Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation)
Alzheimer's Disease Info: Questions to Ask the Doctor( Administration on Aging)
ApoE (Apolipoprotein E) Genotyping (American Association for Clinical Chemistry)
Mild Cognitive Impairment (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research)
Understanding Alzheimer's Disease (Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation)
Understanding Stages and Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease (National Institute on Aging)

Alzheimer's - The Facts

Someone in your family has Alzheimer's disease, and you’ve been gathering info on Alzheimer's disease to try to help you make decisions about what to do next, but everything you find is so scientific and complicated. What can you tell your kids to make them understand why their grandfather or uncle doesn’t recognize them anymore? The info on Alzheimer's disease below is aimed at children and families, so read it together.

Alzheimer's: What Is It?

Alzheimer's disease is a form of a mental disorder known as “dementia”. Dementia is a brain disorder that seriously hampers the brain’s ability to process rational or normal thought and inhibits the daily activities of its sufferers because of this. Alzheimer's disease, therefore, affects the part of the brain that is responsible for thought, memory, and language.

Alzheimer's disease is one of the leading causes of death in America. The German physician Aloes Alzheimer first identified this disorder in 1907. This disorder is a serious illness that affects the memory ability of the brain, capability of learning, making rational decisions and capacity to function routinely.

Alzheimer's disease robs millions of people each year of their memories, their personalities, and the ability to complete daily activities. For the longest time, it was believed that nothing could be done to prevent this awful disease; that it was simply something that people had to look forward to when they reached their golden years. However, new research indicates that there is a number of ways to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

The hallmark sign of Alzheimer's disease is the loss of memory. Generally, those 65 years of age or older, begin to concern themselves with this disease at the first episodes of forgetfulness. Although forgetfulness is a sign of Alzheimer's disease, it is important to note that there are other signals that may herald the onset of this malady. Therefore, being knowledgeable about Alzheimer's, through exhibited signs, and is paramount for our loved one’s health as well as our own.

Dealing With Alzheimer's

Hearing the news that a family member has received an Alzheimer's diagnosis can be an emotionally devastating moment in anyone’s life. However, before the Alzheimer's diagnosis can be given to the patient and their family, the patient must undergo a variety of laboratory tests, such as medical assessments and laboratory measurements. There is no single test existing that will categorically give the Alzheimer's diagnosis.

With this proactive stance, diagnosticians have been able to devise a set of Alzheimer's disease testing tools that can detect symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in its earlier stages. As of yet, there is no single diagnostic test that is able to determine if a person has Alzheimer's disease, but the battery of testing that is available makes it possible for physicians to diagnose it with about 90 percent accuracy. Alzheimer's disease testing can take anywhere from one day to several weeks to ensure accuracy and proper diagnosis.

An Alzheimer's test is important to ensure that the person isn’t just going through the usual memory loss associated with age; however, sometimes an Alzheimer's test isn’t necessary. Alzheimer's disease doesn’t just affect a person’s memory; it can make people see things that aren’t there, and even send them into screaming fits.

If you think a loved one is starting to become senile or experience other symptoms of dementia, you may want that person to undergo Alzheimer's testing. Unfortunately, there is currently no definitive test for Alzheimer's disease that a person can undergo. The only way doctors diagnose Alzheimer's with 100% certainty is through physical examination of the brain after the person has passed away. Rather than Alzheimer's testing, what you want to look for is some type of psychological and behavioral screening coupled with extensive tests to rule out other types of dementia.

Living With Alzheimer's

Living with Alzheimer's can be a crippling experience for both the disease sufferer and the family that is involved. There are many moments of misunderstanding or confusion for most and the symptoms can become frustrating and difficult. The loss of memory and other associated factors can often cause immense separation in families and can create a nervous tension on relationships that is not necessary if suitable information is available and utilized by all parties involved.

Finding in-house Alzheimer's help should not be an emotionally laden issue for the entire family. Tackling this need in an organized way, from evaluating to planning, is the key to making in-house Alzheimer's help feasible. First, you should sit down and evaluate the needs of the family caregiver and the patient. From there, creating a job list and a set of guidelines becomes easy to make and follow.

Caring for someone with Alzheimer's can be a daunting task. You will need all of the support you can get, along with the latest and most significant Alzheimer's info and research. It is a confusing time, and the more you know, the more confident you will feel in your ability to give your loved one the best possible care and support. It is also important to build a support network that will help you to avoid the common problems associated with caretaker burnout.

Everything about Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by the progressive loss of brain function. The areas of the brain targeted first by the disease are associated with memory, so the first observable symptoms are usually mild forms of amnesia. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of the more general condition known as dementia. Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe any progressive damage to the areas of the brain that control memory or any other cognitive function.

The earliest stages of Alzheimer’s all involve symptoms associated with memory loss. Affected individuals may have a hard time remembering what day or month it is. They may find themselves losing items more frequently than normal, forgetting recent events or confused and disoriented in familiar environments. Normally, old memories are unaffected in these earlier stages. An affected person will recognize old friends and family, but may not have any clear memory of recent interactions with them.

As Alzheimer’s progresses, the affected person often begins exhibiting difficult behavior. They often become paranoid, quick to anger, overreact to minor things, suffer from hallucinations, and can even become violent. These behaviors are seen even in individuals that were shy, timid, or passive people prior to developing the disease. Someone in the middle stages of Alzheimer’s will usually begin to lose motor control and will need help dressing and performing everyday personal hygiene functions. They often also lose the ability to speak clearly, read or write. At this stage in the disease, even older memories become affected, and afflicted people may not recognize family members or life long friends at times.

In the later and final stages of the disease, individuals usually have complete memory loss and will recognize no one. They will be unable to communicate, walk, participate in personal care activities, or even eat on their own. As a result, sufferers in these late stages usually are incontinent and begin to lose a lot of weight. They often spend most of their time sleeping, and frequently suffer from seizures. Alzheimer’s will eventually lead to death due to loss of brain function.

While there are no known cures for Alzheimer’s, there are some treatments available that can slow the condition down, and a promising array of new treatments on the horizon. Our increased understanding of biology and the human genetic code have many scientists hopeful for effective preventive measures and possibly even cures in the near future. Already, there are results from a number of recent studies that suggest that certain life behaviors, such as a healthy diet and regular exercise, can help reduce your chances of developing the disease.

Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by the progressive loss of brain function. The areas of the brain targeted first by the disease are associated with memory, so the first observable symptoms are usually mild forms of amnesia. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of the more general condition known as dementia. Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe any progressive damage to the areas of the brain that control memory or any other cognitive function.

The earliest stages of Alzheimer’s all involve symptoms associated with memory loss. Affected individuals may have a hard time remembering what day or month it is. They may find themselves losing items more frequently than normal, forgetting recent events or confused and disoriented in familiar environments. Normally, old memories are unaffected in these earlier stages. An affected person will recognize old friends and family, but may not have any clear memory of recent interactions with them.

As Alzheimer’s progresses, the affected person often begins exhibiting difficult behavior. They often become paranoid, quick to anger, overreact to minor things, suffer from hallucinations, and can even become violent. These behaviors are seen even in individuals that were shy, timid, or passive people prior to developing the disease. Someone in the middle stages of Alzheimer’s will usually begin to lose motor control and will need help dressing and performing everyday personal hygiene functions. They often also lose the ability to speak clearly, read or write. At this stage in the disease, even older memories become affected, and afflicted people may not recognize family members or life long friends at times.

In the later and final stages of the disease, individuals usually have complete memory loss and will recognize no one. They will be unable to communicate, walk, participate in personal care activities, or even eat on their own. As a result, sufferers in these late stages usually are incontinent and begin to lose a lot of weight. They often spend most of their time sleeping, and frequently suffer from seizures. Alzheimer’s will eventually lead to death due to loss of brain function.

While there are no known cures for Alzheimer’s, there are some treatments available that can slow the condition down, and a promising array of new treatments on the horizon. Our increased understanding of biology and the human genetic code have many scientists hopeful for effective preventive measures and possibly even cures in the near future. Already, there are results from a number of recent studies that suggest that certain life behaviors, such as a healthy diet and regular exercise, can help reduce your chances of developing the disease.

Alzheimer's Diagnosis (Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation)
Alzheimer's Disease Info: Questions to Ask the Doctor( Administration on Aging)
ApoE (Apolipoprotein E) Genotyping (American Association for Clinical Chemistry)
Mild Cognitive Impairment (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research)
Understanding Alzheimer's Disease (Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation)
Understanding Stages and Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease (National Institute on Aging)


Curing Adult Acne

Adult acne can be quite the bane when you're trying to get rid of them. Their stubbornness is attributed to the fact that the acne bacterium has burrowed further down into your skin. The best way to get rid of them would be to deeply scrub your skin with the appropriate soap scrubs. Do not use too abrasive a scrub or your skin will start bruising.

Prior to using the scrub on your skin, make sure to take a hot steamy bath to open up your pores so that the antibacterial scrub is able to more deeply cleanse the pores of your skin. After using the facial or body scrub, wash it off with lukewarm water and then proceed to dip the temperature of the water. Washing your skin with colder water will ensure that your pores close up and won't be as susceptible to dirt. Then proceed to applying topical creams; mainly those with the chemical benzoyl peroxide 5% to kill off any surface bacteria.

A common habit most people have would be apply a huge glob of it on their skin and leave it there. This is wrong as the cream will not be fully absorbed by the skin, you must rub the cream in until there is no trace of the color of the cream left on the surface of the skin.

In times when you have facial acne, it is advisable not to apply concealer no matter how non-clogging' it might be, because it prevents your skin from breathing, and the chemicals in the make-up might further aggravate the pimple.

Either making it bigger, or (god forbid!) cause it to explode into surrounding little clones of itself.

In times when the pimple has burst, in order to deal with the situation, make sure all of the grit and pus has been cleaned out of the pimple and then wash your face with antibacterial facial wash. Apply your germ-smiting topical cream; leave it in for ten minutes; then apply Aloe Vera gel which will aid in the healing of the surface wound.

For body acne, the application of topical cream is a bit of a stickler because it has a tendency to get smeared or absorbed by the material of your clothing. I would recommend using the anti-acne gel patches which you can leave on to protect the pimple from bursting due to friction from your clothes, and to provide salicylic acid to the pimple in the time period the patch is worn. They are really convenient because they usually come in skin color tones and you can even apply them on at night to remove them in the morning, plus they are cheap!

After giving so much advice, I must inform you that these are all external solutions to dealing with acne, to fight a battle and win it; you must fight it on the inside. A combination of vitamins and minerals are essential to healthy skin.

Firstly, vitamin E is good for your skin, buy it as a vitamin and take it everyday religiously. Zinc is an important mineral as well, as it helps in cell regeneration and growth.

Make sure to take a zinc supplement with a bit of copper in it as prolonged consumption of zinc can reduce copper levels in your body, which means your body's health won't be stable. If you can't afford it, you should eat more fruits like avocado's or kiwi's for vitamin E intake and more meats for zinc. Staying out of the sun is healthy for your skin and prevents outbreaks as well, because the UV rays will irritate your skin, destroying skin cells and thereby making it easier for your pores to clog.

I know these steps won't guarantee everlasting flawless skin, but it does make the pimples bite the dirt.

Are You Still Blaming Acne on Bacteria?

All life forms strategize to survive and procreate. Weeds, worms, birds, fungi and bacteria all work to sustain their own lives on this planet. In fact, we humans survive because of the biological games constantly unfolding in our mist.

Propionibacterium acnes, or p acne bacteria, are no different. They want and need to survive. Skin bacteria perform an important function. Bacteria use the secretions of our sweat and sebaceous glands (sebum is the oil that makes our skin look shiny) as nutrients. P acnes that are in balance with your body prevent colonization by more harmful bacteria.

P acne bacteria only encourage acne formations if the production of oil on the face is excessive. This surplus of oil of prompted by hormonal, nutritional, environmental and/or psychological changes in the body. So to prevent acne, you do not what to kill bacteria per se, but keep the amount of bacteria on your skin at an optimal balance. You optimize your oil secretion by understanding and controlling your response to hormonal, nutritional, environmental and/or psychological changes.

If we upset the balance of bacteria in our bodies by taking antibiotics, our resident flora is upset and this enables harmful bacteria (such as Staphylococcus aureus and Acinetobacter baumannii) to colonize our skin. What’s more, antibiotics can destroy the balance of intestinal flora and cause constipation.

In short, using antibiotics on bacteria is a battle amongst intelligent parties involving the bacteria, the body, and the human mind. If we fail to appreciate the bacteria as bodily maintenance workers and continue dousing them with antibiotics, the bacteria just become more resistant to our antibiotics.

The bacteria are practiced at playing dead as a tactic for survival. Even people who have used the strongest acne drug on the market, Accutane, have witnessed the cunning behavior of bacteria as zits reappear some months after using this course of acne treatment. These people have discovered that bacteria do not die; they silently and strategically multiply. If you do not want your bacteria out of balance, do not provide them an environment conducive to acne.

Perfect Acne Medicine Tips For Imperfect People

A bit of exercise and good sleep are essential too, not just for skin care but for your health as a whole. Lack of sleep can lead to formation of wrinkles below your eyes and lack of exercise can cause your skin to slack. Moreover, exercise and sleep also help in beating stress. So besides being a skin care tip, this is also a health care tip.

You can really stall the aging process for a few more years with anti aging skin care treatments and enjoy the excitements of youthful life. With the right attitude and discipline, one can actually create a facial skin care routine that will help bring about that healthy glow.

What is a suitable acne restraint and skin care product? With so many skin care products and solutions it would be possible to hurt your skin rather than assist it. For instance, alcohol established cleansers or severe scouring will merely make your acne worsened. Discover how to give your face the best acne skin care it deserve.

If you want to age gracefully then you must learn how to treat your skin. Anti-aging products do help but it is what you do outside of skin care that counts. If you were to number the importance of skin care it would rank at the top along with general body care.

It is thus never late or early for starting taking care of the skin. Anti-aging dry-oily skin care products are the best that help you. You should select such skin care products that can provide you all the important nutrients for your dry-oily skin.

Your eyes and skin tell others instantaneously more or less about your total soma. Beautiful skin is the first thing that is noticed when people meet you. There is a voluminous and fruitful industry for beauty skin care creams, lotion, toners, and products.

Seldom do men concern themselves with make up or skin care merchandise. All the same, men notwithstanding do show concern about their skin and it's consideration. For many ages skin care and make up were regarded as as a women's consequence. Make up and skin care in reality do belong together, the chief grounds is if you've defective skin, make up would only make it more defective. You might inquire, how do the two fully complement one another? Here are some distinguished make up and skin care hints:

Day-after-day can be an eminent battle for individuals who have acne. Acne can touch on your emotions and even your total appearance and expectation. Several people who have acne bear the scars of low self-esteem. When they're amidst acquaintances and skin appearance is of importance to them.

Indeed you ascertain in that respect there are peradventure additional things coming about other than acne that you'll not recognize unless you go to a Dr.. The earlier you bring your acne in check the more pleased and self-assured you'll feel.

If you want a healthy glow then your skin care routine can help. With a good attitude and discipline you may be able to stall the process of aging for at least a few years. With the right anti aging skin care products you will look more youthful than ever.

How To Find The Most Effective Acne Treatments

It’s dreaded by teenagers everywhere - regardless of their skin color, the language they speak or what social circles they run in. If anything is going to bring the youth of today together in a common cause, it’s the fight against acne.

Teenagers everywhere are constantly on the lookout for effective acne treatments, but just as acne can come in many forms and degrees of severity, there are many different treatments available. The one that will work best for one person won’t necessarily be the best for someone else.

Before you can decide on the best treatment option, it helps to understand what it is that actually causes acne. It’s commonly believed to be caused by poor hygiene, but that isn’t the case. It is actually caused by changes in the body that can’t (and shouldn’t) be stopped.

Teenage acne is often due to hormonal changes in the body that causes excess secretion of oil, which can block pores and trap dirt and moisture. The result is the blackheads and pimples that are so common among teens.

Effective treatments are available for the various forms of acne, and a dermatologist will be able to thoroughly diagnose a particular case and recommend the proper treatment.

If you’ve ever looked at the many acne treatments that are available at any drug store or pharmacy, you’ll probably have seen shelves full of creams, gels and lotions that promise to be the cure to end all acne problems.

These treatments work for some people and not for others, but they are often attempting to treat any and all forms of acne, which just isn’t possible. The most effective treatments will be tailored for a given person’s acne.

Some of these treatments will include azelaic acid creams, benzoyl peroxide or Accutane. They may be in the form of topical creams or lotions. Each of these treatments is best suited to deal with certain types of acne, with varying strengths depending on the severity of the acne.

Many teens spend a lot of time and money trying every possible treatment to get rid of their acne. The trouble is, the treatments are often not dealing with the cause in their particular situation. A visit to a dermatologist is the best way to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, customized for a particular case.

Natural Skin Care Treament For Acne

How To Smooth Out Acne’s Bumpy Road
A natural skin care for treatment for acne will always treat the body first, main stream medicine and over the counter treatments for acne always treat the symptom as the cause, which is wrong.

Acne appears on the skin and it is a natural reaction to want to treat it there. But consider for a moment how did I get acne? Acne did not originate on your skin, so would it not make sense to treat the cause. Acne will occur in most cases with hormone disruption. If you want to get rid of acne the best place to start is from the inside out.

The skin is a mirror image of the internal health of your body.Acne and other skin disorders is an outward sign of stressed systems within the body. There are many conditions which can contribute to acne formation. Herdity and family history of acne is often suspected as a contibutor to acne. The probability of developing acne is higher but that doesn’t mean that acne will develop. Heridty is not a major factor.

Acne can occur during puberty when sex hormones (androgen) in boys and (estrogen) in girls upsets the normal function of the sebacious glands.Too much oil is produced and combined with dead skin cells which become trapped in the foliclles, allow bacteria and infection to develop. The result is acne or other skin disorders.

Adult acne can be from many sources as well.

* stress (emotional and metabolic)
* In women, hormone regulators
* drugs
* poor diet
* sleep disorders
* toxic bowel and parasites

The most common cause of hormone disruption other than puberty is toxemia of the bowel. Candida is also a serious contributor to toxemia and hormone disruption.

High emotional stress is very destructive to the entire body, and can upset normal hormone balance of the entire body, including the skin.If you have high stress levels no treatment will be effective in the control of acne, no matter what the cause, so try your best to understand your stress and get it under control.

A Simple 3 Step Natural Skin Treatment For Acne
Acne sufferers will benefit greatly from a complete detox program including eliminating accumlated fecal matter in the bowel. Toxic stress of the bowel is a very common cause of many skin disorders. The cleaner the blood, the cleaner the body, the more skin conditions will improve.

Improving the diet by including lots of raw greens, fruits and vegetables, jucing is best as the body can assimulate and digest liquids much easier and faster than eating raw fruits and vegetables whole. There is a wide variety of books and recipes on jucing with many excellent and delicious recipes.

Reducing or eliminating refined sugar, white flour products, hydrogenated oils and saturated animal fats is a definite plus not only to help clear acne but make major improvements to your health as well.

After a cleanse and improvement to the diet you are giving your body back the ability to heal. For your skin pure organic skin care products that feed nutrients to the skin will help in the healing process of existing damage that much faster.

Getting acne under control without harmful drugs using a simple 3 step natural skin care treatment for acne, get results that are long lasting.

Acne Myths: Discover 9 Ugly Lies About Acne Causes And Treatments

It's unbelievable ... What if I told you that most of the popular beliefs about acne, are in fact myths?

Let’s take a look at some popular beliefs about acne to dispel any other rumors ...

Myth #1: Is it true that increased stress spreads acne?

Not exactly. What is true is that ultimately stress can have a very minimal or minor influence all by itself. It cannot actually cause acne, but it can influence reoccurrences of acne as stress increases the body’s creation of a substance called cortisol that in turn causes your sebaceous glands to produce increased amounts of sebum oil that can be blocked in pores. Note, however, that some medications people take when trying to deal with or treat stress can have a large influence on acne as the result of medication side effects.

Myth #2: Acne is contagious, true or false?

Not! No one can "catch" acne; it is non-communicable.

Myth #3:You’ll outgrow acne, so just leave it alone - myth or truth?

This is false. Acne strikes all ages and is treatable, but shouldn’t be left alone to possibly worsen.

Myth #4: Being out in the sun helps acne, right?

In the long run, no. The sun may appear to help clear up your blemishes and redden your skin, thus lessening the overall reddish effect of the targeted acne area when it was outstanding. However, rays from the sun can cause skin damage and actually irritate skin more, worsening any existing acne problems in the process and clogging more pores as skin cells dry up and slough off quicker than normal. So use caution (and sunscreen) here!

Myth #5: Sweating helps clean out your hair follicle areas, myth or reality?

Another myth. In reality, strenuous activity can temporarily increase your body’s oil production that can actually worsen acne problem areas, causing recurrence or intensification.

Myth #6: Acne problems are directly proportionate to sexual activity, or lack thereof; true or false?

False, another myth. Just because teenagers are going through hormonal changes, does not mean that this has anything to do with acne. Both are separate issues. Same with adult acne and sex; two entirely different issues.

Myth #7: People with acne are dirty and don’t wash enough.

Not! This is another myth. Acne is the result of a build up of oil, dead skin cells and bacteria in a closed pore. Period. Dirt is not even a factor in the equation.

Myth #8: Acne is only on external issue or surface deep; i.e. people shouldn’t make such a big thing out of it, myth or reality?

Myth. In reality, yes, it basically is only on your skin (and underneath the surface a little bit). However, the effects run much more deeper than that in many instances. More than 50 percent of those suffering acne problems reported negative comments and other feedback from members of society, regardless of whether or not there was any scarring left for others to see afterwards. And resulting internal depression and low self-esteem can be harmful emotionally not only short-term but over a person’s lifetime. So acne can indeed be a very big issue requiring healthcare treatment and support.

Myth #9: OK, myth or reality: there is a cure for acne?

Myth. Although there is no cure at this time, there are many treatments available that do a great job. As the saying goes, "Prevention is the best medicine;" however, there is no need to suffer in silence with all the options available on the market today for all price ranges.

So there you have it ... now that you are armed with this information you can do something to treat your acne condition.

How To Successfully Treat Acne

If you are suffering from acne, you need not fret because there are solutions available to treat whatever acne you may have. The products that you can use are stated below. If the tips do not work for you, the safest bet is to see your doctor or dermatologist. But weigh your options carefully as some of the treatments may have some serious side effects.

Applying Acne Medications
If you are only experiencing mild acne which is only a pimple here or there, then you should go to the store or pharmacy and try one of the over the counter acne treatments. There are many creams, ointments, soaps, pads and more to choose from, but you should know that most of these products contain the same ingredients. Any of these products will generally eliminate most minor acne problems.

Choosing Acne Products
There are mainly a few different categories in acne treatment products: prescription medications, topical treatments, and oral treatments.

Prescription medications are the most commonly used for acne, and this consists of products such as Accutane and ProActiv. Both of these products are terribly popular and famous because of the very high success rate among acne patients. However you have to consult with your doctor before taking Accutane and ProActiv, particularly if you are pregnant or nursing, because these and other related products can cause serious birth defects both in utero and from breastfeeding.

Most of the times, doctors will prescribe acne medicine such as benzoyl peroxide and medicated lotion, cream and gels to kill bacteria on the affected areas. These products will normally work and your acne will clear off in a few days. However, there are certain times when these acne medicines will not work on your skin. When the acne medicines prove to be unsuitable for you, return to your doctor and ask for another form of treatment.

About Accutane
Accutane is a very powerful drug which is used to treat acne. It is generally prescribed for about four to five months, and usually clears the acne for one year or more after the treatment is stopped.

The Risks
It is considered that the most harmful side effect of Accutane is serious birth defects, if it is taken during pregnancy. Thus it is very important for women to not take this drug while pregnant or nursing. In addition, a woman who has taken Accutane should not get pregnant until at least a month has passed after they have discontinued use, and only after that time is it safe to become pregnant.

How Accutane works is by decreasing the amount of oil produced by the skin's oil glands. It may take as long as two months before you actually see any improvement in your skin. There is no other medicine you can take to speed up the effects of this drug. Actually the acne will usually get worse during the first few months of treatment.

Another commonly prescribed medication for acne is Tretinoin. Topical retinoids like this is derived from vitamin A and are used for mild to severe inflammatory acne. They unclog the pores and prevent whiteheads and blackheads from occurring. Although Tretinoin has a very high success rate they too have negative side effects, such as irritation and increased sun sensitivity.

About Proactive Acne Medicine
Proactive acne medicine is a revolutionary, dermatologist-developed system that help the skin heal the existing blemishes and stop new ones from occurring.

There are three basic steps to Proactive Acne Medicine. The first is the renewing cleanser, the second is the revitalizing toner and the third is the repairing lotion.

If you should purchase the product from the pharmacy, you must follow the instructions to its applications strictly and you can see results almost immediately, especially in terms of hydration, which is one of the most important aspects when it comes to treating acne.

Topical Treatments
The topical treatments consist of any types of medicated lotions, creams, powders and gels that are applied directly onto the skin. Topical treatments are also a very commonly used and effective form of treatment for acne. They work by reducing the small infections in the pores and also indirectly keep the pores open. These topical treatments are usually what your doctor will recommend if you have mild to moderate acne.

Oral Treatments
These are treatments which consist of pills and gel caps that are taken orally.

About Acne Pills
Acne pills are also one of the more commonly prescribed forms of treatment for acne. These acne pills, such as tetracycline, may be prescribed for inflammatory acne, and should normally be taken daily for around three months. However it may take up to six months for improvements to be seen.

Some types of oral contraceptives are also used to treat acne. Most of the times a combination of the usual pill hormone called ethinylestradiol with cyproterone acetate works by suppressing male hormone activity. Therefore this method is often used more for women who suffer from acne.

When To See A Doctor
When you think that your acne is becoming severe, you should consult your doctor immediately. Do not self medicate particularly if the flare-ups on your skin are severe because self-medication can cause further harm on your skin.

When To See A Dermatologist
You should only see your dermatologist as a last resort, because many prescription strength acne treatments will affect your kidneys and can lead to long term health problems. However your dermatologist will determine if you are suitable for one of these prescription medications, such as Accutane or Retin-A

Acne Facts and Fictions

Acne is far from an uncommon ailment. Many of us struggle with this harmless, yet aggravating condition. Fallacies about acne are abundant, as well. Hopefully this article will help you sort out the fact from the fiction.

Fact: Acne is caused by oil secreted by the skin

Yes, it is true that one of the major components of acne is oil secreted by sebaceous glands, which are found in the skin of all mammals.

Fact: Acne is caused by blocked pores

Yes, dead skin cells and excessive oil secretions combine to block the pores in the skin. These blocked pores then begin to grow the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. The body may then have an allergic reaction to these bacteria. These factors combine to cause an inflammatory response by your body, which is what we call acne.

Fiction: Acne is caused is caused by improper hygiene

While it is true that acne is caused by blocked pores, better hygiene cannot prevent acne. All of the scrubbing in the world cannot unblock or prevent the blocking of pores, because the blockage is well below the surface of the skin.

Fiction: Acne is caused by diet

While acne is caused by excessive oil secretions, changing your diet to exclude oilier foods is not likely to help. These oil secretions are not diet related, but hormonally controlled.

Fact: Acne is related to hormones

The causes of acne are largely controlled by hormones, so acne is often triggered by hormonal changes, such as puberty. Hormonal changes and imbalances can cause the excessive oil secretions, and other factors that are related to the causes of acne.

Fact: Acne may be caused by medications

Yes, there is evidence to show that Acne can be caused or triggered by certain medicines or chemicals, including Anabolic steroids, any medication that contains halogens, and exposure to high amounts of chlorine compounds.

Fiction: Acne is caused by smoking

Of course, we all know that smoking is associated dangerous and life-threatening risks and that smokers would do well to terminate the habit sooner rather than later, but the notion that smoking somehow causes acne is simply not true. It is true, however, that there are chemicals in tobacco smoke that are absorbed through the act of smoking and subsequently cause damage to the connective tissue beneath the skin. The end result? Wrinkles. And wrinkly skin certainly does not abet the impression of having fresh, healthy, youthful-looking skin.

Fiction: Inexpensive or “home” remedies just don’t work

There are a few home remedies that you may discover work as well as some of the over-the-counter preparations you can buy from the drug store. Many of the over-the-counter acne medications contain benzoyl peroxide, which is a drying agent. While this works fine for some, others may find that benzoyl peroxide can irritate the skin.

Generally, cutting back on the frequency of use and then building back up again is a way around the problem. But if this technique is not effective, products containing benzoyl peroxide may have to be avoided completely. In that case, here’s an inexpensive solution: buy a bottle of Witch Hazel at the drug store. It, too, helps to dry those overactive oil-producing glands, but is milder and far less likely to cause irritation for people with sensitive skin. Also, a dab of toothpaste left overnight on a troublesome pimple can help to shrink the pimple more quickly.

Being able to sift through much of the erroneous information that circulates in the guise of “truth” can definitely help you to understand what you can do to avoid acne breakouts or, when avoiding them is impossible, the best approach to take regarding acne skin care treatment.

Know Your Type Of Acne

While it is bad enough that acne is such a common problem, it is perhaps worse that there are so many different kinds of acne. You are probably familiar with some of the commoner varieties of acne, such as acne rosacea or acne vulgaris, even if you have never suffered from either of them.

But when you are really looking at effective remedies for acne, it helps to know enough about your condition to be able to target your problem specifically. So let us take a look at the different kinds of acne and see what we are actually dealing with here.

Exploring the acne spectrum. Broadly speaking, let us start with adult acne, which can be caused by a diverse range of factors, such as hormonal imbalances, pollutants, elements related to stress and responses to medications of different kinds.

These are just a few of the many causes of adult acne. Research has indicated that there may be a definite link between hormonal disturbances and the eruption of acne in women between the ages of 30 and 60 years.

Next on the list is Acne Cosmetic, which as the name suggests, is related to the kind of cosmetics you may have used which perhaps did not agree with your skin. In this kind of acne, your skin and pores have reacted adversely to various ingredients contained in your cosmetics.

Then there is Acne Congoblata, which is normally caused by hereditary factors. This kind of acne causes severe scarring on the face and back. Worse still, there is not very much that you can do about it.

Acne Detergens, as is evident from the name, is caused by the irritant effect of soaps and cleansers on the skin.

Acne Excoriee is the direct result of acne sufferers picking at the pimples on their faces and bodies. This is one of the worst things that anyone suffering from acne can do.

Then there is Acne Fulminans, a rather serious form of acne, in which the eruption is accompanied by fever and body ache. This kind of acne mainly affects males and erupts suddenly. Other symptoms of this kind of acne include a high white blood cell count, as well as loss of appetite and deep scarring.

You may have had enough by now, but unfortunately, there is more as this ghastly list goes on and on.

Acne Keloidalis is generally found among people of African stock. Most of the eruption in this kind of acne is concentrated around the neck.

Acne Mallorca is the result of too much exposure to the sun.

Acne mechanica is caused by friction between bare skin and different materials such as clothing, bag straps etc.

Acne Medicametosa occurs as a side effect of some medications. These include oral contraceptives, as well as other drugs that contain potassium iodide, potassium bromide and chlorine.

Acne Neonatorium is also commonly known as baby acne. It is caused by the transfer of hormones from mother to child, which stimulates the secretion of sebum in baby skin.

Last on the list is Acne Pomade, so called because it is brought about by the use of oils found in hair care products. What happens here is that this oil is transferred from the hair to the forehead, where it ultimately irritates the skin and clogs pores, causing acne to develop.

Generally speaking, it is a good idea to avoid touching your face in any case, and particularly if you are suffering from acne.

Now that you know the whole sordid tale, you will be in a better position to judge which kind of acne you have and take appropriate precautions. Before you recoil in horror at the different kinds of acne you are up against, remember that you only need to identify the one that concerns you.

Do not forget that you can look to your doctor or your dermatologist, perhaps both, for guidance on how to tackle your problem. It is not as bad as it looks, so do cheer up!

Knowledge About Acne

Acne does affect proportionally more teenagers than those in other age groups. But the fact is it can affect anyone, of any race, at any age. Combating it requires much the same treatment for anyone (other than infants).

Knowledge is the first weapon. In order to know how best to treat acne, it's essential to know what type one has. A professional diagnosis can be helped immensely when the patient takes careful notes about his or her condition. When it started, the type of blemishes and any treatments already tried are big aids to a correct diagnosis.

Knowledge also helps avoid many of the downsides associated with the disease. There are numerous myths surrounding the causes and treatments of acne. There are good reasons to avoid excess chocolate consumption and drinking too many soft drinks. Avoiding acne is not among them. Nor will a good suntan get rid of it.

Knowledge also helps reduce the prospect of useless guilt and depression. Acne affects nearly everyone at some time in life, some more severe than others. Good skin care is extremely helpful for a variety of reasons, but it has little to do with whether one gets the disease. Still, it can play a role in strengthening only overall skin health, as well as improve the mental outlook that helps combat the condition.

Knowledge of acne will help males and females more effectively deal with acne, since it affects them differently. Acne tends to occur earlier in pre-teen to teen females, but more severely to males once they contract it. Later, the situation is altered.

Men and women may need different approaches to treatment, as well. Makeup, shaving and other gender specific practices play a role in dealing with acne. The two sexes react to medications differently, in part because of hormonal variations between the two. In some instances, simple mild cleansing and time is enough to treat acne. In other cases, more stringent efforts are required.

But over the counter medications can be equally effective for both sexes, as can prescription drugs. Light treatments and lasers, though sometimes more expensive, can be used to treat acne in nearly everyone.

Even effective treatments, though, don't totally eliminate the possibility of acne scarring. Dealing with that opens up a whole other range of treatment options to explore. Dermabrasion, laser resurfacing and other techniques have helped millions safely.

No matter your age, gender or circumstances the treatment of acne has advanced to a stage that the odds are very good for total cure. The first step requires nothing harder than a little research.